
I’m terribly sorry for the lack of content for the last couple of weeks, for the few of you who actually follows this space, school was really crazy. Those who know me or have caught some of my posts know that it’s my final year in college. It has been difficult to keep up especially with all the heavy projects and lack of guidance, but at the same times it has been the most fulfilling journey of self discovery and learning. The last 15 years of education pales in comparison to all that I have learnt about the world, my interests, what I study and beyond, and most importantly myself. That is not to say the education system has taught me these things, but rather that through the compilation of knowledge and critical skills coupled with the opportunities and experiences beyond the classroom, life is truly the best teacher.

Gentle Bones (Unofficial) Remix Cover

I probably wouldn’t be able to eloquently verbalize all that I have learnt because it’s more than just prescriptive advice like “be happy with what you have”, which most of the time we don’t fully believe in and feel until we discover it for ourselves, it’s an epiphany, an experience of ‘enlightenment’that no one can impart on to you. But I guess as much as this space is a place for readers to satisfy your needs, entertainment, voyeurism, learning, whatever it may be, it is also a space for me to chart my growth and remind myself of the essence of me.

These are the attitudes that have transpired in the last couple of months:

1) Believe in yourself, do what you love and do it well (or keep trying)

“Chase Dreams, Not Just Paper”
Mock up for NM4207 Managing Communication’s Campaign

I have noticed that people around me often lament that about how they wish they were better at certain things or how they wish they had a different life, but at such a young age, what’s stopping you from trying? To me learning new things, exploring different experiences and finding out what works for you is an essential part of living. You really never know until you try. Maybe your passion lies in something that you just have not dabbled in, and predetermining that you will “suck” at it or it is “not for you” is just closing another door to finding your ‘calling’. Perhaps it is my nativity, or my hopeless sense of entitlement, but at this point of time if you do find your ‘calling’ it will guide your way, the things you love will become the things you do and naturally be interested in improving. Perhaps I’m just not yet exposed to the harsh realities of capitalism and other practical restraints, but it wouldn’t hurt to believe in your ability not just to do the things you currently love, but also in your aptitude to learn. (I had previously written a post about coming to terms with yourself that would hopefully help.)

2) Be critical but happy

As much as I advocate that being critical is an essential part of living; “Cogito ergo sum” (I think therefore I am) –René Descartes; being critical is only productive when it helps your understanding and improvement of your circumstance. In other words, being too critical just makes you cynical about life and it’s grand conspiracies. We can learn how social media manipulates, theorize of power struggles behind the scenes, discuss imperious topics of ideology and religion, but at the end of the day, we need to recognize the scope of our control and illusion of agency.

“Hell is other people” –Jean-Paul Sartre

We live in the judgement of others around us, a collective construction of society’s standards, the social systems we create. Yet the very system we all have a hand in influencing, exists far beyond the control of any one individual. The system is convoluted, it is broken in more places than ever and the critics all see it’s imperfections and failures, but it is what it is. The system may be broken but I’ve chosen not to be- to be happy considering the jadedness of it all, see life for what it is but be unfazed.

3) Do not ignore the lessons that could be learnt from every part of life

NUS CGF Tote Bag/ Media Kit
Mock up for NM4207 Managing Communication’s Campaign

Relating to what I mentioned above, things can be learnt from anyone, any place at any time, about anything. After 2-3 years of studying Communications and New Media, many of the things taught in class from social-psychological implications of social media to communication flows and persuasion,  have all come together to become extremely relevant, current and applicable, and this semester especially so.

I have been rather obsessed with ideas recently, abstract understandings of our environment and its beings, from academic philosophies like Jean-Paul Sartre to modern change makers like Steve Jobs, all sparked by brilliant people, stimulating conversations and even enriching school readings. Philosophy creates grand frameworks of which context applies, it is the root to all innovation, from science to marketing, and all greatness humanity has seen.

I guess I’m personally a curious individual who enjoys reading critical writing about de-democratizing education and the internet (aside from it being my essay topic); and watching videos from Shots of Awe about the paradox of art and IdeaChannel‘s Hipster discussion (two of my favorite channels on Youtube!). But hey, you can never learn enough! These bit-sized “click-baits”, though not as in dept as a full on thesis dissertation or a published book, sparks complex thinking and enriches our minds, but at the same time leaves room for personal input and understanding. Do not dismiss these opportunities to gain new perspectives and appreciation, there is something to learn out of everything.

The images are a little random, but these are the things I have been working on the last couple of weeks. Dabbling into some logo designs for fun. I’ve updated my portfolio for designs and campaigns 🙂

TreasureSG Sketch

Take Two (Unofficial)

NUS CFG (Unofficial) Logo
Mock up for NM4207 Managing Communication’s Campaign

Accepted (2006)

With the knowledge we gain in breakthroughs in each generation, intelligence has somehow taught us to be less wise. These days smart phones are smart and people are dumb. We have gotten lazy and complacent, everything can be found at the tip of our fingers yet people don’t bother looking. The easiest excuse out of anything is “I don’t know how to do it” yet in this day and age how can anyone say they don’t know how to do something when everything can be learnt online.

(Image from

Accepted is a movie about a bunch of college rejects that start a “sham” college to please their parents but in the end they learn the real value of education- to excite and enthuse students to learn more about and pursue their passions. This movie is a cheesy comedy that plays on all the stereotypes possible in an American college experience but as typical as the plot device is, it is obnoxiously true and glaringly relatabe. I do not speak for an American college but I can relate to the overall theme of this movie which is the youthful pursuit of dreams. College is the point of our lives when we are not only opened up to the world or as Dean Lewis puts it “the beginning of your disorientation”, but also where we decide the course of our future.

In the movie it is obvious that the main attendees of South Harmon Institute of Technology are college reject and misfits which reminds me a lot of the less “respected” schools we have here. The ones that make it into college are the ones who follow the safe path to their future desk job and give up their dreams. Yet to the rejects, it seems their only choice is to pursue their dreams and they have nothing to loose. It is quite twisted if you look at it. Society has brought us to a point where the people who are endowed with more choices end up choosing a choice they usually like least (and join in the robotic workforce) and those left with no choice are the only ones who are the only ones who dare to step out and pursue these dreams.

There are consequences of stepping out, not just socially but also economically and psychologically and I would say this is a life choice. Live mediocre and safe or risk and live life to the fullest. It is a tough choice indeed…

This is not so much a film review as it is a reflection or rant (as some people may think of it). There isn’t much fancy filming techniques or plot devices. Just a simple comedy, plain story but resounding message. We have all known it all along but things never really change.

6.5/10 (An average film, quite funny at times with satire jokes)